Bas van Teylingen, eigenaar van Online Cookie Collective, programmamaker, regisseur van de YouTube-film De Film van Dylan Haegens en YouTuber zelf, schreef onlangs ook het boek 'Help! Mijn kind is op YouTube '.
Wat is het beste aan YouTube?
"Ik kan hier uren over praten. Maar eigenlijk gewoon het feit dat je de mooiste content kunt vinden en er is echt iets voor iedereen. Van de Bananenbuurman die LEGO-treinen door zijn tuin en huis laat rijden en hiervan video's maakt tot Miniature Space, een kanaal waar iemand kleine gerechten maakt zonder een woord te zeggen. Soms kan ik YouTube tot diep in de nacht bekijken en van het ene wonder naar het andere vallen."
Bananenbuurman featured on Business Insider Facebook
Recently Business Insider published a video on some of BANANENBUURMANS' creations.
Article on Origjinale on the building of a real Underwater train
This website used my LEGO Underwater train as an example for a real life project. The translation is not very good, but you get the idea. :)
Google translate: India is seeking to implement a project implemented by Japan would be. He is working for the train that will travel to the underwater world. Trains created by Japan have been a real success since it was first introduced in 1964. This project is costing the country a mountain of money, but thankfully Japan has taken over funding by about 81%. This train will have a maximum speed 350 km / h and will go from Mumbai to Ahmedabad. This means that will shorten the length of the road about two hours. Tickets think that will have a slightly higher price, but with the fabulous underwater view, will certainly be worth it. Passengers will have to wait for 2018 to see this project materialize.
The best thing about being an adult is that you have the time and money you can spend on their various pet project. This is precisely what youtubern Bananenbuurman has done with his train tracks. Above you can see his latest work which contains a right nice segment where the train runs under water.